Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The essential  aspect of life that all humans can relate to wanting on a general level is success. Everyone wants to be remembered for something. Shaking your head no? you are lying to yourself. But if you think about it, ultimately, isn't that idea impossible? Ok so the first author that comes to my mind is Shakespeare. Shakespeare will be known as long as there is language to be spoken, books to be read, classes to be taught, etc. One day though, who knows when, but that time will come when humans won't be here anymore. What is left in the universe to marvel at his literary works? Who or what will be around to watch Queen's live aid performance in 1985 and appreciate how powerful it is? So really, no one will be remembered. Upon this realization, should that create anxiety? Or is the very fact that it is impossible to create a lasting legacy lift the stress? There are all of those cheesy quotes out there saying to kiss longer, laugh harder and all that bull shit. Just live in the moment. Never take yourself too seriously because in the end we're all just stardust.

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